Dal 7 al 9 luglio si terrà online la conferenza finale del progetto Sogica - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum.
Migra-Antinoo sarà presente con gli interventi di Mara Biancamano, Aurora De Angelis e Carmela Ferrara.

The SOGICA final conference is scheduled for 7-9 July 2020 and will take place at the University of Sussex – Falmer campus, Brighton (UK). You may find below the call for submissions (deadline: 22 January 2020) and info on accommodation in our website. Other details will follow in due course. You can contribute towards bursaries for asylum claimants, refugees and support groups to attend the conference on the website: https://onlineshop.sussex.ac.uk/product-catalogue/conference-seminars/school-of-law-politics-and-sociology/sogica-conference-bursary-fund?fbclid=IwAR3xI9dzRtVDZmv9lIuAXJ9EN9EhjLFCFXdrgYfFMpC6sHsXd2uo63xan1E. We look forward to meeting you in Brighton!

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